C# client for the ComboCurve REST API
View the Project on GitHub insidepetroleum/combocurve-client-csharp
Easily implement syncing your company data with the ComboCurve REST API using .NET.
You will need an API key and service account credentials. If you don’t have them yet contact Inside Petroleum to obtain them.
It can be installed as a NuGet package:
PM> Install-Package ComboCurve.Api
Then use the namespaces:
using ComboCurve.Api.Api;
using ComboCurve.Api.Auth;
using ComboCurve.Api.Client;
using ComboCurve.Api.Model;
To use the API client with a HTTP proxy, setup a System.Net.WebProxy
Configuration c = new Configuration();
System.Net.WebProxy webProxy = new System.Net.WebProxy("http://myProxyUrl:80/");
webProxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
c.Proxy = webProxy;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using ComboCurve.Api.Api;
using ComboCurve.Api.Auth;
using ComboCurve.Api.Client;
using ComboCurve.Api.Model;
namespace Example
public class Example
public static void Main()
// Use this to create your service account manually
var serviceAccount = new ServiceAccount
ClientEmail = "YOUR_CLIENT_EMAIL",
ClientId = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
// Or use this to load it from a JSON file
// var serviceAccount = ServiceAccount.FromFile("PATH_TO_JSON_FILE");
// Set your API key
var apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
var apiInstance = new WellsApi(serviceAccount, apiKey);
var skip = 56; // int? | number of items to skip (optional) (default to 0)
var take = 56; // int? | max records to return (optional) (default to 25)
var sort = sort_example; // string | field to sort by, including + or - at the beginning for ascending or descending order, respectively (optional)
var cursor = cursor_example; // string | used in pagination to get the next page (optional)
var api10 = api10_example; // string | filter by api10 (optional)
var api12 = api12_example; // string | filter by api12 (optional)
var county = county_example; // string | filter by county (optional)
var state = state_example; // string | filter by state (optional)
var wellName = wellName_example; // string | filter by wellName (optional)
var chosenID = chosenID_example; // string | filter by chosenID (optional)
var inptID = inptID_example; // string | filter by inptID (optional)
var api14 = api14_example; // string | filter by api14 (optional)
var createdAt = 2013-10-20; // DateTimeOffset? | filter by createdAt - Operator values are [lt] = less than, [le] = less than or equal, [gt] = greater than, [ge] = greater than or equal, no operator = equal. Example createdAt[gt]=2018-01-01T00:00:00Z (optional)
var updatedAt = 2013-10-20; // DateTimeOffset? | filter by updatedAt - Operator values are [lt] = less than, [le] = less than or equal, [gt] = greater than, [ge] = greater than or equal, no operator = equal. Example updatedAt[gt]=2018-01-01T00:00:00Z (optional)
var dataSource = dataSource_example; // string | filter by dataSource (optional)
var currentOperator = currentOperator_example; // string | filter by dataSource (optional)
// Returns a list of well documents.
ICollection<Well> result = apiInstance.GetWells(skip, take, sort, cursor, api10, api12, county, state, wellName, chosenID, inptID, api14, createdAt, updatedAt, dataSource, currentOperator);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling WellsApi.GetWells: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
All URIs are relative to https://api.combocurve.com
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActualForecastApi | DeleteActualForecastById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/actual-forecast/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
ActualForecastApi | DeleteCompanyActualForecastById | DELETE /v1/econ-models/actual-forecast/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to company level |
ActualForecastApi | GetActualForecast | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/actual-forecast | Returns a list of actual of forecast documents. |
ActualForecastApi | GetActualForecastById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/actual-forecast/{id} | Returns the actual forecast document that matches the given id. |
ActualForecastApi | GetCompanyActualForecast | GET /v1/econ-models/actual-forecast | Returns a list of actual of forecast documents. |
ActualForecastApi | GetCompanyActualForecastById | GET /v1/econ-models/actual-forecast/{id} | Returns the actual forecast document that matches the given id. |
ActualForecastApi | HeadActualForecast | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/actual-forecast | Returns metadata about the existing actual or forecast documents. |
ActualForecastApi | HeadCompanyActualForecast | HEAD /v1/econ-models/actual-forecast | Returns metadata about the existing actual or forecast documents. |
ActualForecastApi | PostActualForecast | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/actual-forecast | Inserts a list of actual or forecast documents. |
ActualForecastApi | PostCompanyActualForecast | POST /v1/econ-models/actual-forecast | Inserts a list of actual or forecast documents. |
ActualForecastApi | PutActualForecast | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/actual-forecast | Replace or create a list of actual or forecast documents. |
ActualForecastApi | PutCompanyActualForecast | PUT /v1/econ-models/actual-forecast | Replace or create a list of actual or forecast documents. |
AriesForecastApi | GetAriesForecast | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{forecastId}/aries | Returns a list of aries forecast scoped to projectId project and forecastId forecast. |
AriesForecastApi | HeadAriesForecast | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{forecastId}/aries | Returns metadata about the aries forecast documents scoped to projectId project and forecastId forecast. |
CapexApi | DeleteCapexById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/capex/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
CapexApi | DeleteCompanyCapexById | DELETE /v1/econ-models/capex/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to company level |
CapexApi | GetCapex | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/capex | Returns a list of capex documents. |
CapexApi | GetCapexById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/capex/{id} | Returns the reserves category document that matches the given id. |
CapexApi | GetCompanyCapex | GET /v1/econ-models/capex | Returns a list of capex documents. |
CapexApi | GetCompanyCapexById | GET /v1/econ-models/capex/{id} | Returns the reserves category document that matches the given id. |
CapexApi | HeadCapex | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/capex | Returns metadata about the existing capex documents. |
CapexApi | HeadCompanyCapex | HEAD /v1/econ-models/capex | Returns metadata about the existing capex documents. |
CapexApi | PostCapex | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/capex | Inserts a list of capex documents. |
CapexApi | PostCompanyCapex | POST /v1/econ-models/capex | Inserts a list of capex documents. |
CapexApi | PutCapex | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/capex | Replace or create a list of capex documents. |
CapexApi | PutCompanyCapex | PUT /v1/econ-models/capex | Replace or create a list of capex documents. |
CompanyWellsApi | DeleteProjectCompanyWells | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/company-wells | Remove the company wells documents that match the given filters from the projectId scope. |
CompanyWellsApi | GetProjectCompanyWellById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/company-wells/{id} | |
CompanyWellsApi | GetProjectCompanyWells | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/company-wells | Returns a list of company well documents in projectId scope. |
CompanyWellsApi | HeadProjectCompanyWells | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/company-wells | Returns metadata about the existing company well documents in projectId scope. |
CompanyWellsApi | PostProjectCompanyWells | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/company-wells | |
CustomColumnsApi | GetCustomColumns | GET /v1/custom-columns/{collection} | Returns the custom column that matches the given collection. |
DailyProductionsApi | DeleteDailyProductions | DELETE /v1/daily-productions | Delete the daily productions documents that match the given filters. |
DailyProductionsApi | GetDailyProductions | GET /v1/daily-productions | Returns a list of daily production documents in the company scope. |
DailyProductionsApi | HeadDailyProductions | HEAD /v1/daily-productions | Returns metadata about the existing daily production documents in the company scope. |
DailyProductionsApi | PatchDailyProductions | PATCH /v1/daily-productions | Patch a list of daily production documents. |
DailyProductionsApi | PostDailyProductions | POST /v1/daily-productions | Upserts a list of daily production documents. |
DailyProductionsApi | PutDailyProductions | PUT /v1/daily-productions | Upserts a list of daily production documents. |
DailyVolumesApi | GetForecastDailyVolumes | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{forecastId}/daily-volumes | Returns a list of forecast volumes scoped to projectId project, forecastId forecast, and well. |
DailyVolumesApi | GetForecastMonthlyVolumes | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{forecastId}/monthly-volumes | Returns a list of forecast volumes scoped to projectId project, forecastId forecast, and well. |
DailyVolumesApi | HeadForecastDailyVolumes | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{forecastId}/daily-volumes | Returns metadata about the existing forecast volumes scoped to projectId project, forecastId forecast, and well. |
DailyVolumesApi | HeadForecastMonthlyVolumes | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{forecastId}/monthly-volumes | Returns metadata about the existing forecast volumes scoped to projectId project, forecastId forecast, and well. |
DateSettingsApi | DeleteCompanyDateSettingsById | DELETE /v1/econ-models/date-settings/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to the company level |
DateSettingsApi | DeleteDateSettingsById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/date-settings/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
DateSettingsApi | GetCompanyDateSettings | GET /v1/econ-models/date-settings | Returns a list of date-settings documents. |
DateSettingsApi | GetCompanyDateSettingsById | GET /v1/econ-models/date-settings/{id} | Returns the date-settings document that matches the given id. |
DateSettingsApi | GetDateSettings | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/date-settings | Returns a list of date-settings documents. |
DateSettingsApi | GetDateSettingsById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/date-settings/{id} | Returns the date-settings document that matches the given id. |
DateSettingsApi | HeadCompanyDateSettings | HEAD /v1/econ-models/date-settings | Returns metadata about the existing date-settings documents. |
DateSettingsApi | HeadDateSettings | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/date-settings | Returns metadata about the existing date-settings documents. |
DateSettingsApi | PostCompanyDateSettings | POST /v1/econ-models/date-settings | Inserts a list of date-settings documents. |
DateSettingsApi | PostDateSettings | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/date-settings | Inserts a list of date-settings documents. |
DateSettingsApi | PutCompanyDateSettings | PUT /v1/econ-models/date-settings | Replace or create a list of date-settings documents. |
DateSettingsApi | PutDateSettings | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/date-settings | Replace or create a list of date-settings documents. |
DepreciationApi | DeleteCompanyDepreciationById | DELETE /v1/econ-models/depreciation/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to company level |
DepreciationApi | DeleteDepreciationById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/depreciation/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
DepreciationApi | GetCompanyDepreciation | GET /v1/econ-models/depreciation | Returns a list of depreciation documents. |
DepreciationApi | GetCompanyDepreciationById | GET /v1/econ-models/depreciation/{id} | Returns the depreciation document that matches the given id. |
DepreciationApi | GetDepreciation | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/depreciation | Returns a list of depreciation documents. |
DepreciationApi | GetDepreciationById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/depreciation/{id} | Returns the depreciation document that matches the given id. |
DepreciationApi | HeadCompanyDepreciation | HEAD /v1/econ-models/depreciation | Returns metadata about the existing depreciation documents. |
DepreciationApi | HeadDepreciation | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/depreciation | Returns metadata about the existing depreciation documents. |
DepreciationApi | PostCompanyDepreciation | POST /v1/econ-models/depreciation | Inserts a list of depreciation documents. |
DepreciationApi | PostDepreciation | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/depreciation | Inserts a list of depreciation documents. |
DepreciationApi | PutCompanyDepreciation | PUT /v1/econ-models/depreciation | Replace or create a list of depreciation documents. |
DepreciationApi | PutDepreciation | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/depreciation | Replace or create a list of depreciation documents. |
DifferentialsApi | DeleteCompanyDifferentialById | DELETE /v1/econ-models/differentials/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to company level |
DifferentialsApi | DeleteDifferentialById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/differentials/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
DifferentialsApi | GetCompanyDifferentialById | GET /v1/econ-models/differentials/{id} | Returns the differential document that matches the given id. |
DifferentialsApi | GetCompanyDifferentials | GET /v1/econ-models/differentials | Returns a list of differentials documents. |
DifferentialsApi | GetDifferentialById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/differentials/{id} | Returns the differential document that matches the given id. |
DifferentialsApi | GetDifferentials | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/differentials | Returns a list of differentials documents. |
DifferentialsApi | HeadCompanyDifferentials | HEAD /v1/econ-models/differentials | Returns metadata about the existing differentials documents. |
DifferentialsApi | HeadDifferentials | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/differentials | Returns metadata about the existing differentials documents. |
DifferentialsApi | PostCompanyDifferentials | POST /v1/econ-models/differentials | Inserts a list of differentials documents. |
DifferentialsApi | PostDifferentials | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/differentials | Inserts a list of differentials documents. |
DifferentialsApi | PutCompanyDifferentials | PUT /v1/econ-models/differentials | Replace or create a list of differentials documents. |
DifferentialsApi | PutDifferentials | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/differentials | Replace or create a list of differentials documents. |
DirectionalSurveysApi | DeleteDirectionalSurveysById | DELETE /v1/directional-surveys/{id} | Delete the directional survey document that matches the given id. |
DirectionalSurveysApi | GetDirectionalSurveys | GET /v1/directional-surveys | Returns a list of directional surveys documents. |
DirectionalSurveysApi | GetDirectionalSurveysById | GET /v1/directional-surveys/{id} | Returns the DS document that matches the given id. |
DirectionalSurveysApi | HeadDirectionalSurveys | HEAD /v1/directional-surveys | Returns metadata about the existing directional surveys documents. |
DirectionalSurveysApi | PostDirectionalSurveys | POST /v1/directional-surveys | Insert a new directional Survey. |
DirectionalSurveysApi | PutDirectionalSurveys | PUT /v1/directional-surveys/{id} | Update a Directional Survey. |
EconModelsApi | GetCompanyEconModelById | GET /v1/econ-models/{id} | Returns the econ model document that matches the given id. |
EconModelsApi | GetCompanyEconModels | GET /v1/econ-models | Returns a list of econ model documents. |
EconModelsApi | GetEconModelById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/{id} | Returns the econ model document that matches the given id. |
EconModelsApi | GetEconModels | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models | Returns a list of econ model documents. |
EconModelsApi | HeadCompanyEconModels | HEAD /v1/econ-models | Returns metadata about the existing econ model documents. |
EconModelsApi | HeadEconModels | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models | Returns metadata about the existing econ model documents. |
EconModelsAssignmentsApi | DeleteEconModelAssignmentDelete | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/{econName}/{econModelId}/assignments | |
EconModelsAssignmentsApi | GetEconModelsAssignmentsRead | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/{econName}/{econModelId}/assignments | |
EconModelsAssignmentsApi | HeadEconModelsAssignmentsCount | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/{econName}/{econModelId}/assignments | |
EconModelsAssignmentsApi | PostEconModelAssignmentUpsert | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/{econName}/{econModelId}/assignments | |
EconModelsAssignmentsApi | PutEconModelAssignmentUpsert | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/{econName}/{econModelId}/assignments | |
EconRunResultsApi | GetMonthlyEconResultById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/econ-runs/{econRunId}/monthly-econ-results | Returns econ monthly result columns that matches the provided econ run id. |
EconRunsApi | GetEconRunById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/econ-runs/{id} | Returns the econ run document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project and scenarioId scenario. |
EconRunsApi | GetEconRuns | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/econ-runs | Returns a list of econ run documents scoped to projectId project and scenarioId scenario. |
EconRunsApi | GetRootEconRunById | GET /v1/econ-runs/{id} | Returns the econ run document that matches the given id. |
EconRunsApi | GetRootEconRuns | GET /v1/econ-runs | Returns a list of econ run documents. |
EconRunsApi | HeadEconRuns | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/econ-runs | Returns metadata about the existing econ run documents scoped to projectId project and scenarioId scenario. |
EconRunsApi | HeadRootEconRuns | HEAD /v1/econ-runs | Returns metadata about the existing econ run documents. |
EmissionsApi | DeleteEmissionById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/emissions/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
EmissionsApi | GetEmissionById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/emissions/{id} | Returns the emission model document that matches the given id. |
EmissionsApi | GetEmissions | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/emissions | Returns a list of emission models documents. |
EmissionsApi | HeadEmissions | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/emissions | Returns metadata about the existing emission models documents. |
EmissionsApi | PostEmissions | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/emissions | Inserts a list of emission models documents. |
EmissionsApi | PutEmissions | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/emissions | Replace or create a list of emission models documents. |
EscalationApi | DeleteCompanyEscalationById | DELETE /v1/econ-models/escalations/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to company level |
EscalationApi | DeleteEscalationById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/escalations/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
EscalationApi | GetCompanyEscalationById | GET /v1/econ-models/escalations/{id} | Returns the escalation model document that matches the given id. |
EscalationApi | GetCompanyEscalations | GET /v1/econ-models/escalations | Returns a list of escalation models documents. |
EscalationApi | GetEscalationById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/escalations/{id} | Returns the escalation model document that matches the given id. |
EscalationApi | GetEscalations | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/escalations | Returns a list of escalation models documents. |
EscalationApi | HeadCompanyEscalations | HEAD /v1/econ-models/escalations | Returns metadata about the existing escalation models documents. |
EscalationApi | HeadEscalations | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/escalations | Returns metadata about the existing escalation models documents. |
EscalationApi | PostCompanyEscalations | POST /v1/econ-models/escalations | Inserts a list of escalation models documents. |
EscalationApi | PostEscalations | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/escalations | Inserts a list of escalation models documents. |
EscalationApi | PutCompanyEscalations | PUT /v1/econ-models/escalations | Replace or create a list of escalation models documents. |
EscalationApi | PutEscalations | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/escalations | Replace or create a list of escalation models documents. |
ExpensesApi | DeleteCompanyExpensesById | DELETE /v1/econ-models/expenses/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to company level |
ExpensesApi | DeleteExpensesById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/expenses/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
ExpensesApi | GetCompanyExpenses | GET /v1/econ-models/expenses | Returns a list of expenses documents. |
ExpensesApi | GetCompanyExpensesById | GET /v1/econ-models/expenses/{id} | Returns the reserves category document that matches the given id. |
ExpensesApi | GetExpenses | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/expenses | Returns a list of expenses documents. |
ExpensesApi | GetExpensesById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/expenses/{id} | Returns the reserves category document that matches the given id. |
ExpensesApi | HeadCompanyExpenses | HEAD /v1/econ-models/expenses | Returns metadata about the existing expenses documents. |
ExpensesApi | HeadExpenses | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/expenses | Returns metadata about the existing expenses documents. |
ExpensesApi | PostCompanyExpenses | POST /v1/econ-models/expenses | Inserts a list of expenses documents. |
ExpensesApi | PostExpenses | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/expenses | Inserts a list of expenses documents. |
ExpensesApi | PutCompanyExpenses | PUT /v1/econ-models/expenses | Replace or create a list of expenses documents. |
ExpensesApi | PutExpenses | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/expenses | Replace or create a list of expenses documents. |
FluidModelsApi | DeleteFluidModelById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/fluid-models/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
FluidModelsApi | GetFluidModelById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/fluid-models/{id} | Returns the fluid model document that matches the given id. |
FluidModelsApi | GetFluidModels | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/fluid-models | Returns a list of fluid model documents. |
FluidModelsApi | HeadFluidModels | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/fluid-models | Returns metadata about the existing fluid model documents. |
FluidModelsApi | PostFluidModels | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/fluid-models | Inserts a list of fluid model documents. |
FluidModelsApi | PutFluidModels | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/fluid-models | Replace or create a list of fluid models documents. |
ForecastOutputApi | GetForecastOutputById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{forecastId}/outputs/{id} | Returns the forecast data document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project and forecastId forecast. |
ForecastOutputApi | GetForecastOutputs | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{forecastId}/outputs | Returns a list of forecast data documents scoped to projectId project and forecastId forecast. |
ForecastOutputApi | HeadForecastOutputs | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{forecastId}/outputs | Returns metadata about the existing forecast data documents scoped to projectId project and forecastId forecast. |
ForecastParametersApi | DeleteProjectsForecastSegmentParameters | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{forecastId}/parameters/{wellId}/{phase}/{series} | Removes all of the segments for a defined well, phase, and series |
ForecastParametersApi | PostProjectsForecastSegmentParameters | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{forecastId}/parameters/{wellId}/{phase}/{series} | Inserts a list of segments in a forecast for a defined well, phase, and series. |
ForecastParametersApi | PutProjectsForecastSegmentParameters | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{forecastId}/parameters/{wellId}/{phase}/{series} | Updates all segments with provided list of new segments for a defined well, phase, and series. |
ForecastVolumesApi | GetRootForecastDailyVolumes | GET /v1/forecast-daily-volumes | Returns a list of forecast volumes |
ForecastVolumesApi | GetRootForecastMonthlyVolumes | GET /v1/forecast-monthly-volumes | Returns a list of forecast volumes |
ForecastVolumesApi | HeadRootForecastDailyVolumes | HEAD /v1/forecast-daily-volumes | Returns metadata about the existing forecast volumes |
ForecastVolumesApi | HeadRootForecastMonthlyVolumes | HEAD /v1/forecast-monthly-volumes | Returns metadata about the existing forecast volumes |
ForecastsApi | DeleteForecastById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{id} | Delete the Forecast that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
ForecastsApi | GetForecastById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{id} | Returns the forecast document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
ForecastsApi | GetForecasts | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts | Returns a list of forecast documents scoped to projectId project. |
ForecastsApi | HeadForecasts | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts | Returns metadata about the existing forecast documents scoped to projectId project. |
ForecastsApi | PatchForecast | PATCH /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{id} | Updates Forecast. |
ForecastsApi | PostForecasts | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts | Inserts a list of forecasts documents in projectId scope. |
ForecastsApi | PostWellsToForecast | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/forecasts/{id}/wells | Inserts a list of well into a forecast. |
GeneralOptionsApi | DeleteCompanyGeneralOptionsById | DELETE /v1/econ-models/general-options/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to company level |
GeneralOptionsApi | DeleteGeneralOptionsById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/general-options/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
GeneralOptionsApi | GetCompanyGeneralOptions | GET /v1/econ-models/general-options | Returns a list of general options documents. |
GeneralOptionsApi | GetCompanyGeneralOptionsById | GET /v1/econ-models/general-options/{id} | Returns the general options document that matches the given id. |
GeneralOptionsApi | GetGeneralOptions | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/general-options | Returns a list of general options documents. |
GeneralOptionsApi | GetGeneralOptionsById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/general-options/{id} | Returns the general options document that matches the given id. |
GeneralOptionsApi | HeadCompanyGeneralOptions | HEAD /v1/econ-models/general-options | Returns metadata about the existing general options documents. |
GeneralOptionsApi | HeadGeneralOptions | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/general-options | Returns metadata about the existing general options documents. |
GeneralOptionsApi | PostCompanyGeneralOptions | POST /v1/econ-models/general-options | Inserts a list of general options documents. |
GeneralOptionsApi | PostGeneralOptions | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/general-options | Inserts a list of general options documents. |
GeneralOptionsApi | PutCompanyGeneralOptions | PUT /v1/econ-models/general-options | Replace or create a list of general options documents. |
GeneralOptionsApi | PutGeneralOptions | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/general-options | Replace or create a list of general options documents. |
MonthlyExportApi | GetMonthlyExportById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/econ-runs/{econRunId}/monthly-exports/{id} | Returns the econ monthly documents that matches the given monthly export id scoped to projectId project, scenarioId scenario and econRunId econ run, monthly export must be created before. |
MonthlyExportApi | HeadMonthlyExports | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/econ-runs/{econRunId}/monthly-exports | Returns metadata about the existing econ monthly documents scoped to projectId project, scenarioId scenario and econRunId econ run. |
MonthlyExportApi | PostMonthlyExports | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/econ-runs/{econRunId}/monthly-exports | Create an monthly export of econ monthly documents scoped to projectId project, scenarioId scenario and econRunId econ run. Response id should be used to get the results. |
MonthlyProductionsApi | DeleteMonthlyProductions | DELETE /v1/monthly-productions | Delete the monthly productions documents that match the given filters. |
MonthlyProductionsApi | GetMonthlyProductions | GET /v1/monthly-productions | Returns a list of monthly production documents in the company scope. |
MonthlyProductionsApi | HeadMonthlyProductions | HEAD /v1/monthly-productions | Returns metadata about the existing monthly production documents in the company scope. |
MonthlyProductionsApi | PatchMonthlyProductions | PATCH /v1/monthly-productions | Patch a list of monthly production documents. |
MonthlyProductionsApi | PostMonthlyProductions | POST /v1/monthly-productions | Upserts a list of monthly production documents. |
MonthlyProductionsApi | PutMonthlyProductions | PUT /v1/monthly-productions | Upserts a list of monthly production documents. |
OneLinersApi | GetOneLinerById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/econ-runs/{econRunId}/one-liners/{id} | Returns the econ one liner document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project, scenarioId scenario and econRunId econ run. |
OneLinersApi | GetOneLiners | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/econ-runs/{econRunId}/one-liners | Returns a list of econ one liner documents scoped to projectId project, scenarioId scenario and econRunId econ run. |
OneLinersApi | GetOneLinersComboNames | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/econ-runs/{econRunId}/one-liners/combo-names | Returns a list of combo names contained in the one liner documents that are scoped to project, scenario and econ run. |
OneLinersApi | HeadOneLiners | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/econ-runs/{econRunId}/one-liners | Returns metadata about the existing econ one liners documents scoped to projectId project, scenarioId scenario and econRunId econ run. |
OwnershipQualifiersApi | GetOwnershipQualifiers | GET /v1/ownership-qualifiers | Returns a list of ownership qualifiers documents. |
OwnershipQualifiersApi | GetOwnershipQualifiersById | GET /v1/ownership-qualifiers/{id} | Returns the ownership qualifier document that matches the given id. |
OwnershipQualifiersApi | HeadOwnershipQualifiers | HEAD /v1/ownership-qualifiers | Returns metadata about the existing ownership qualifiers documents. |
OwnershipQualifiersApi | PostOwnershipQualifiers | POST /v1/ownership-qualifiers | Inserts a list of ownership qualifiers documents. |
OwnershipQualifiersApi | PutOwnershipQualifiers | PUT /v1/ownership-qualifiers | Replace or create a list of ownership qualifiers documents. |
OwnershipReversionApi | DeleteCompanyOwnershipReversionById | DELETE /v1/econ-models/ownership-reversions/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to company level |
OwnershipReversionApi | DeleteOwnershipReversionById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/ownership-reversions/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
OwnershipReversionApi | GetCompanyOwnershipReversionById | GET /v1/econ-models/ownership-reversions/{id} | Returns the Ownership Reversions document that matches the given id. |
OwnershipReversionApi | GetCompanyOwnershipReversions | GET /v1/econ-models/ownership-reversions | Returns a list of ownership reversions documents. |
OwnershipReversionApi | GetOwnershipReversionById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/ownership-reversions/{id} | Returns the Ownership Reversions document that matches the given id. |
OwnershipReversionApi | GetOwnershipReversions | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/ownership-reversions | Returns a list of ownership reversions documents. |
OwnershipReversionApi | HeadCompanyOwnershipReversions | HEAD /v1/econ-models/ownership-reversions | Returns metadata about the existing ownership reversions documents. |
OwnershipReversionApi | HeadOwnershipReversions | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/ownership-reversions | Returns metadata about the existing ownership reversions documents. |
OwnershipReversionApi | PostCompanyOwnershipReversions | POST /v1/econ-models/ownership-reversions | Inserts a list of ownership reversions documents. |
OwnershipReversionApi | PostOwnershipReversions | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/ownership-reversions | Inserts a list of ownership reversions documents. |
OwnershipReversionApi | PutCompanyOwnershipReversions | PUT /v1/econ-models/ownership-reversions | Replace or create a list of ownership reversions documents. |
OwnershipReversionApi | PutOwnershipReversions | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/ownership-reversions | Replace or create a list of ownership reversions documents. |
PricingApi | DeleteCompanyPricingById | DELETE /v1/econ-models/pricing/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to company level |
PricingApi | DeletePricingById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/pricing/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
PricingApi | GetCompanyPricing | GET /v1/econ-models/pricing | Returns a list of pricing documents. |
PricingApi | GetCompanyPricingById | GET /v1/econ-models/pricing/{id} | Returns the reserves category document that matches the given id. |
PricingApi | GetPricing | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/pricing | Returns a list of pricing documents. |
PricingApi | GetPricingById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/pricing/{id} | Returns the reserves category document that matches the given id. |
PricingApi | HeadCompanyPricing | HEAD /v1/econ-models/pricing | Returns metadata about the existing pricing documents. |
PricingApi | HeadPricing | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/pricing | Returns metadata about the existing pricing documents. |
PricingApi | PostCompanyPricing | POST /v1/econ-models/pricing | Inserts a list of pricing documents. |
PricingApi | PostPricing | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/pricing | Inserts a list of pricing documents. |
PricingApi | PutCompanyPricing | PUT /v1/econ-models/pricing | Replace or create a list of pricing documents. |
PricingApi | PutPricing | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/pricing | Replace or create a list of pricing documents. |
ProductionTaxesApi | DeleteCompanyProductionTaxesById | DELETE /v1/econ-models/production-taxes/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to company level |
ProductionTaxesApi | DeleteProductionTaxesById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/production-taxes/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
ProductionTaxesApi | GetCompanyProductionTaxes | GET /v1/econ-models/production-taxes | Returns a list of production-taxes documents. |
ProductionTaxesApi | GetCompanyProductionTaxesById | GET /v1/econ-models/production-taxes/{id} | Returns the reserves category document that matches the given id. |
ProductionTaxesApi | GetProductionTaxes | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/production-taxes | Returns a list of production-taxes documents. |
ProductionTaxesApi | GetProductionTaxesById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/production-taxes/{id} | Returns the reserves category document that matches the given id. |
ProductionTaxesApi | HeadCompanyProductionTaxes | HEAD /v1/econ-models/production-taxes | Returns metadata about the existing production-taxes documents. |
ProductionTaxesApi | HeadProductionTaxes | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/production-taxes | Returns metadata about the existing production-taxes documents. |
ProductionTaxesApi | PostCompanyProductionTaxes | POST /v1/econ-models/production-taxes | Inserts a list of production-taxes documents. |
ProductionTaxesApi | PostProductionTaxes | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/production-taxes | Inserts a list of production-taxes documents. |
ProductionTaxesApi | PutCompanyProductionTaxes | PUT /v1/econ-models/production-taxes | Replace or create a list of production-taxes documents. |
ProductionTaxesApi | PutProductionTaxes | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/production-taxes | Replace or create a list of production-taxes documents. |
ProjectDailyProductionsApi | DeleteProjectDailyProductions | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/daily-productions | Delete the daily productions documents that match the given filters. |
ProjectDailyProductionsApi | GetProjectsDailyProductions | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/daily-productions | Returns a list of daily production documents in the specified project’s scope. |
ProjectDailyProductionsApi | HeadProjectsDailyProductions | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/daily-productions | Returns metadata about the existing daily production documents in the specified project’s scope. |
ProjectDailyProductionsApi | PatchProjectsDailyProductions | PATCH /v1/projects/{projectId}/daily-productions | Patch a list of daily production documents in projectId scope. |
ProjectDailyProductionsApi | PostProjectsDailyProductions | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/daily-productions | Upserts a list of daily production documents in projectId scope. |
ProjectDailyProductionsApi | PutProjectsDailyProductions | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/daily-productions | Upserts a list of daily production documents in projectId scope. |
ProjectMonthlyProductionsApi | DeleteProjectMonthlyProductions | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/monthly-productions | Delete the monthly productions documents that match the given filters. |
ProjectMonthlyProductionsApi | GetProjectsMonthlyProductions | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/monthly-productions | Returns a list of monthly production documents in the specified project’s scope. |
ProjectMonthlyProductionsApi | HeadProjectsMonthlyProductions | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/monthly-productions | Returns metadata about the existing monthly production documents in the specified project’s scope. |
ProjectMonthlyProductionsApi | PatchProjectsMonthlyProductions | PATCH /v1/projects/{projectId}/monthly-productions | Patch a list of monthly production documents in projectId scope. |
ProjectMonthlyProductionsApi | PostProjectsMonthlyProductions | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/monthly-productions | Upserts a list of monthly production documents in projectId scope. |
ProjectMonthlyProductionsApi | PutProjectsMonthlyProductions | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/monthly-productions | Upserts a list of monthly production documents in projectId scope. |
ProjectWellsApi | DeleteProjectWellById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/wells/{id} | Delete the well document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
ProjectWellsApi | DeleteProjectWells | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/wells | Delete the wells documents that match the given filters scoped to projectId project. |
ProjectWellsApi | GetProjectWellById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/wells/{id} | Returns the well document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
ProjectWellsApi | GetProjectWells | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/wells | Returns a list of well documents scoped to projectId project. |
ProjectWellsApi | HeadProjectWells | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/wells | Returns metadata about the existing well documents scoped to projectId project. |
ProjectWellsApi | PatchProjectWellById | PATCH /v1/projects/{projectId}/wells/{id} | Updates the well document that matches the given id in the specified project’s scope. |
ProjectWellsApi | PatchProjectWells | PATCH /v1/projects/{projectId}/wells | Updates a list of well documents in the specified project’s scope. |
ProjectWellsApi | PostProjectsWells | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/wells | Inserts a list of well documents into the specified project’s scope. |
ProjectWellsApi | PutProjectsWells | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/wells | Replaces a list of well documents in the specified project’s scope. |
ProjectWellsApi | PutProjectsWellsById | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/wells/{id} | Replaces the well document that matches the given id in the specified project’s scope. |
ProjectsApi | GetProjectById | GET /v1/projects/{id} | Returns the project document that matches the given id. |
ProjectsApi | GetProjects | GET /v1/projects | Returns a list of project documents. |
ProjectsApi | HeadProjects | HEAD /v1/projects | Returns metadata about the existing project documents. |
ProjectsApi | PostProjects | POST /v1/projects | Inserts a list of project documents. |
QualifiersApi | DeleteQualifiersDelete | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/qualifiers | |
QualifiersApi | GetQualifiersRead | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/qualifiers | |
QualifiersApi | PostQualifiersUpsert | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/qualifiers | |
QualifiersApi | PutQualifiersUpsert | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/qualifiers | |
ReservesCategoriesApi | DeleteCompanyReservesCategoryById | DELETE /v1/econ-models/reserves-categories/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to company level |
ReservesCategoriesApi | DeleteReservesCategoryById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/reserves-categories/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
ReservesCategoriesApi | GetCompanyReservesCategories | GET /v1/econ-models/reserves-categories | Returns a list of reserves categories documents. |
ReservesCategoriesApi | GetCompanyReservesCategoryById | GET /v1/econ-models/reserves-categories/{id} | Returns the reserves category document that matches the given id. |
ReservesCategoriesApi | GetReservesCategories | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/reserves-categories | Returns a list of reserves categories documents. |
ReservesCategoriesApi | GetReservesCategoryById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/reserves-categories/{id} | Returns the reserves category document that matches the given id. |
ReservesCategoriesApi | HeadCompanyReservesCategories | HEAD /v1/econ-models/reserves-categories | Returns metadata about the existing reserves categories documents. |
ReservesCategoriesApi | HeadReservesCategories | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/reserves-categories | Returns metadata about the existing reserves categories documents. |
ReservesCategoriesApi | PostCompanyReservesCategories | POST /v1/econ-models/reserves-categories | Inserts a list of reserves categories documents. |
ReservesCategoriesApi | PostReservesCategories | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/reserves-categories | Inserts a list of reserves categories documents. |
ReservesCategoriesApi | PutCompanyReservesCategories | PUT /v1/econ-models/reserves-categories | Replace or create a list of reserves categories documents. |
ReservesCategoriesApi | PutReservesCategories | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/reserves-categories | Replace or create a list of reserves categories documents. |
RiskingsApi | DeleteCompanyRiskingsById | DELETE /v1/econ-models/riskings/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to company level |
RiskingsApi | DeleteRiskingsById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/riskings/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
RiskingsApi | GetCompanyRiskingById | GET /v1/econ-models/riskings/{id} | Returns the riskings model document that matches the given id. |
RiskingsApi | GetCompanyRiskings | GET /v1/econ-models/riskings | Returns a list of riskings models documents. |
RiskingsApi | GetRiskingById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/riskings/{id} | Returns the riskings model document that matches the given id. |
RiskingsApi | GetRiskings | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/riskings | Returns a list of riskings models documents. |
RiskingsApi | HeadCompanyRiskings | HEAD /v1/econ-models/riskings | Returns metadata about the existing riskings models documents. |
RiskingsApi | HeadRiskings | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/riskings | Returns metadata about the existing riskings models documents. |
RiskingsApi | PostCompanyRiskings | POST /v1/econ-models/riskings | Inserts a list of riskings models documents. |
RiskingsApi | PostRiskings | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/riskings | Inserts a list of riskings models documents. |
RiskingsApi | PutCompanyRiskings | PUT /v1/econ-models/riskings | Replace or create a list of riskings models documents. |
RiskingsApi | PutRiskings | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/riskings | Replace or create a list of riskings models documents. |
ScenarioCombosApi | DeleteScenarioCombosDelete | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/combos | |
ScenarioCombosApi | GetScenarioCombosRead | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/combos | |
ScenarioCombosApi | HeadScenarioCombosCount | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/combos | |
ScenarioCombosApi | PostScenarioCombosUpsert | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/combos | |
ScenarioCombosApi | PutScenarioCombosUpsert | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/combos | |
ScenarioWellAssignmentsApi | DeleteScenarioWellsDelete | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/well-assignments | |
ScenarioWellAssignmentsApi | GetScenarioWellsRead | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/well-assignments | |
ScenarioWellAssignmentsApi | PostScenarioWellsUpsert | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/well-assignments | |
ScenarioWellAssignmentsApi | PutScenarioWellsUpsert | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{scenarioId}/well-assignments | |
ScenariosApi | DeleteProjectScenarios | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios | |
ScenariosApi | DeleteScenarios | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/head | |
ScenariosApi | GetScenarioById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios/{id} | Returns the scenario document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
ScenariosApi | GetScenarios | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios | Returns a list of scenario documents scoped to projectId project. |
ScenariosApi | HeadScenarios | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios | Returns metadata about the existing scenario documents scoped to projectId project. |
ScenariosApi | PostProjectScenarios | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios | Inserts a list of scenario documents. |
ScenariosApi | PutProjectScenarios | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/scenarios | Update a list of scenario documents. |
StreamPropertiesApi | DeleteCompanyStreamPropertiesById | DELETE /v1/econ-models/stream-properties/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to company level |
StreamPropertiesApi | DeleteStreamPropertiesById | DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/stream-properties/{id} | Delete the assumptions document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
StreamPropertiesApi | GetCompanyStreamProperties | GET /v1/econ-models/stream-properties | Returns a list of stream-properties models documents. |
StreamPropertiesApi | GetCompanyStreamPropertiesById | GET /v1/econ-models/stream-properties/{id} | Returns the stream-properties model document that matches the given id. |
StreamPropertiesApi | GetStreamProperties | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/stream-properties | Returns a list of stream-properties models documents. |
StreamPropertiesApi | GetStreamPropertiesById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/stream-properties/{id} | Returns the stream-properties model document that matches the given id. |
StreamPropertiesApi | HeadCompanyStreamProperties | HEAD /v1/econ-models/stream-properties | Returns metadata about the existing stream properties models documents. |
StreamPropertiesApi | HeadStreamProperties | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/stream-properties | Returns metadata about the existing stream properties models documents. |
StreamPropertiesApi | PostCompanyStreamProperties | POST /v1/econ-models/stream-properties | Inserts a list of stream-properties models documents. |
StreamPropertiesApi | PostStreamProperties | POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/stream-properties | Inserts a list of stream-properties models documents. |
StreamPropertiesApi | PutCompanyStreamProperties | PUT /v1/econ-models/stream-properties | Replace or create a list of stream-properties models documents. |
StreamPropertiesApi | PutStreamProperties | PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/econ-models/stream-properties | Replace or create a list of stream-properties models documents. |
TagsApi | GetTags | GET /v1/tags | Returns a list of tag documents. |
TagsApi | HeadTags | HEAD /v1/tags | Returns metadata about the existing tag documents. |
TypeCurvesApi | GetTypeCurveById | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/type-curves/{id} | Returns the type curve document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
TypeCurvesApi | GetTypeCurveDailyFits | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/type-curves/{id}/fits/daily | Returns the daily volume fit information for the type curve document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
TypeCurvesApi | GetTypeCurveMonthlyFits | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/type-curves/{id}/fits/monthly | Returns the monthly volume fit information for the type curve document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
TypeCurvesApi | GetTypeCurveRepresentativeWells | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/type-curves/{id}/representative-wells | Returns the well representative information for the type curve document that matches the given id scoped to projectId project. |
TypeCurvesApi | GetTypeCurves | GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/type-curves | Returns a list of type curve documents scoped to projectId project. |
TypeCurvesApi | HeadTypeCurves | HEAD /v1/projects/{projectId}/type-curves | Returns metadata about the existing type curve documents scoped to projectId project. |
UserResourceRolesApi | GetUsersRoles | GET /v1/users/roles | Returns a list of user resource role documents. |
WellCommentsApi | GetWellComments | GET /v1/well-comments | Returns a list of well comment documents. |
WellCommentsApi | HeadWellComments | HEAD /v1/well-comments | Returns metadata about the existing well comment documents. |
WellIndentifiersApi | PatchWellsIdentifiers | PATCH /v1/wells-identifiers | Updates identifiers of a list of well documents. |
WellsApi | DeleteWellById | DELETE /v1/wells/{id} | Delete the well document that matches the given id. |
WellsApi | DeleteWells | DELETE /v1/wells | Delete the wells documents that match the given filters. |
WellsApi | GetWellById | GET /v1/wells/{id} | Returns the well document that matches the given id. |
WellsApi | GetWells | GET /v1/wells | Returns a list of well documents. |
WellsApi | HeadWells | HEAD /v1/wells | Returns metadata about the existing well documents. |
WellsApi | PatchWellById | PATCH /v1/wells/{id} | Updates the well document that matches the given id. |
WellsApi | PatchWells | PATCH /v1/wells | Updates a list of well documents. |
WellsApi | PostWells | POST /v1/wells | Inserts a list of well documents. |
WellsApi | PutWellById | PUT /v1/wells/{id} | Replaces the well document that matches the given id. |
WellsApi | PutWells | PUT /v1/wells | Replaces a list of well documents. |
requires the API key and service account provided by Inside Petroleum, as shown in the example below:
using ComboCurve.Api.Api;
using ComboCurve.Api.Auth;
namespace Example
public class Example
public void Main()
// Use this to create your service account manually
var serviceAccount = new ServiceAccount
ClientEmail = "YOUR_CLIENT_EMAIL",
ClientId = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
// Or use this to load it from a JSON file
// var serviceAccount = ServiceAccount.FromFile("PATH_TO_JSON_FILE");
// Set your API key
var apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
var apiInstance = new ComboCurveV1Api(serviceAccount, apiKey);
default configuration can be changed by passing an instance of the Configuration
using ComboCurve.Api.Api;
using ComboCurve.Api.Auth;
using ComboCurve.Api.Client;
namespace Example
public class Example
public void Main()
// Use this to create your service account manually
var serviceAccount = new ServiceAccount
ClientEmail = "YOUR_CLIENT_EMAIL",
ClientId = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
// Or use this to load it from a JSON file
// var serviceAccount = ServiceAccount.FromFile("PATH_TO_JSON_FILE");
// Set your API key
var apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
var configuration = new Configuration(120000 /* timeout in milliseconds */);
var apiInstance = new ComboCurveV1Api(serviceAccount, apiKey, configuration);
To add all APIs to dependency injection:
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Add services to the container:
// Add ComboCurve APIs
// Use this to create your service account manually
var serviceAccount = new ServiceAccount
ClientEmail = "YOUR_CLIENT_EMAIL",
ClientId = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
// Or use this to load it from a JSON file
// var serviceAccount = ServiceAccount.FromFile("PATH_TO_JSON_FILE");
// Set your API key
var apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
// Adding all APIs:
builder.Services.AddComboCurve(serviceAccount, apiKey);
var app = builder.Build();
// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.
if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())